you are
Ombudsstelle Augsburg
Ombudsstelle Augsburg
We offer counselling for young people and families who have complaints against the youth welfare office or other youth welfare agencies.
confidental • independent • free of charge

Kinder & Jugendliche
Are you tired of decisions being made over your head? Do you feel that you are being treated unfairly and want to have your say when it comes to your life? We inform you about your rights and support you in asserting your rights in the youth welfare system.
Eltern &
Parents &
legal guardians

Eltern &
Parents &
legal guardians
You do not agree with decisions being made
by youth welfare authorities?
Do you have the feeling that
your complaints fall on deaf ears?
The Ombuds Office is committed
to supporting the rights of parents and
their children.
by youth welfare authorities?
Do you have the feeling that
your complaints fall on deaf ears?
The Ombuds Office is committed
to supporting the rights of parents and
their children.